Sheth Dhanjisha Rustamji Umrigar Memorial School English Medium High School

Sheth Dhanjisha Rustamji Umrigar Memorial School, was founded in June, 1992. It is run by Sheth Dhanjisha Rustamji Umrigar Trust. The aim of the school is to mould our children into disciplined and responsible citizens of tomorrow by imparting a sound and a liberal education in a secular atmosphere. The trustees recognize this as their sacred and most important duty and have left no stone unturned in their efforts to discharge the same. Great emphasis is laid on acquiring self-reliance and all round development of a child. So our school includes co-curricular activities, sports activities, celebrating festivals in a secular way, activities relating to safe, clean & green environment.


From the desk of Principal

Mrs. Sonal Choksi B.Ed

Today we are living in modern world where we have lots of facilities but no knowledge. we have all comforts but no peace. Students are expected to compete globally but without proper guidance. So we aim for integrated learning programme in tune with international standard of excellence.

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